Information pursuant to § 5 Nr. 1 DDG (Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz)
BÖRGERS Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB
Solicitors and Notaries
Specialist lawyers, Law firm for real estate law
Authorised partners:
- Solicitor Katja Alexander
- Solicitor Dr. Michael Börgers
- Solicitor Dr. Ulrich Böttger
- Solicitor Kathrin Heerdt
- Solicitor Ralf Heuer
- Solicitor Dr. Wolfgang Jakob
- Solicitor Gina Kühne
- Solicitor Martin Steiner
- Solicitor Christoph Stroyer
Kurfürstendamm 196
10707 Berlin
Tel.: +49. 30. 88 92 46 0
Fax: +49. 30. 88 92 46 88
Information pursuant to § 5 Nr. 4 DDG
BÖRGERS Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft with limited professional liability is registered in the partnership register of the District Court Berlin-Charlottenburg, register entry no.: PR 611 B
Information pursuant to § 5 Nr. 5 a DDG
Competent supervisory authority for the lawyers Katja Alexander, Dr. Michael Börgers, Dr. Ulrich Böttger, Ralf Heuer, Dr. Wolfgang Jakob, Gina Kühne, Martin Steiner and Christoph Stroyer is the bar association (Rechtsanwaltskammer) Berlin.
Competent supervisory authority for the lawyer Kathrin Heerdt is the bar association of Hamburg (Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer Hamburg).
The notaries Dr. Michael Börgers, Dr. Wolfgang Jakob and Christoph Stroyer are members of the the Berlin chamber of notaries (Berliner Notarkammer). Competent supervisory authorities are the president of the Landgericht Berlin II, the president of the Kammergericht, and the Senatsverwaltung für Justiz.
Information pursuant to § 5 Nr. 5 b DDG
All lawyers of BÖRGERS Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft have been authorised by Federal Republic of Germany to bear the professional title of lawyer/solicitor after having successfully passed the second state examination in law.
Information pursuant to § 5 Nr. 6 DDG
VAT ID no. of BÖRGERS Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft: DE 13/234/64406 FA Berlin-Charlottenburg
Information pursuant to § 5 Nr. 5 c DDG
For special regulations on the profession of lawyer/solicitor applicable to the lawyers of BÖRGERS Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB, please refer to the website of the Federal Bar Association:
Professional law
For lawyers:
- Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte (BORA)
- Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO)
- Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO)
- Gesetz über die Vergütung der Rechtsanwältinnen und Rechtsanwälte (RVG)
For notaries:
- Beurkundungsgesetz (BeurkG)
- Bundesnotarordnung (BNotO)
- Dienstordnung für Notarinnen und Notare (DONot)
- Gerichts- und Notarkostengesetz (GNotKG)
- Richtlinien der Berliner Notarkammer
- Verordnung über die Führung notarieller Akten und Verzeichnisse (NotAktVV)
Web design: Patricia Müller,
Realisation: Internet-Service Berlin
Nele Martensen Homepage, Team, Our law firm / Our policy, Our law firm / Cooperations, Legal fields (complete), Notary’s office, Services / Client groups, Services / Insolventure, Team / Dr. Michael Börgers, Dr. Ulrich Böttger, Kathrin Heerdt, Ralf Heuer, Dr. Wolfgang Jakob, Martin Jung, Anja Koso, Gina Kühne, Martin Steiner, Christoph Stroyer; Contact; Nancy Jesse | Services / Services; Our law firm / Vocational training; Team / Katja Alexander, Gregor Wittkämper; Arne Müseler References Private Building Law / BER, Berlin (CC-BY-SA-3.0); Fotoagentur Bernhard Kunz References, References Procurement law / B44 Hochbau Ludwigshafen; KUBENS Ingenieurgesellschaft WKA Muldestausee (National and international plant engineering law); Jens Ziehe; References Architects’ and engineers’ law / Jüdisches Museum Berlin; © TIC, Foto: Friedel Kantaut References Commercial tenancy law / Umspannwerk Humboldt, Ampere Campus, Berlin.