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Gregor Wittkämper of Börgers lawyers, specialised law firm and notary for building law, real estate law, architects law, procurement law, commercial tenancy law, dispute consulting - Berlin, Hamburg, StuttgartGregor Wittkämper of Börgers lawyers, specialised law firm and notary for building law, real estate law, architects law, procurement law, commercial tenancy law, dispute consulting - Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart

Gregor Wittkämper LL. M. (Luxemburg)

Office: Berlin

  • Born 1988 in Soltau
  • Legal studies in Passau
  • LL. M. (European Private Law) at the University of Luxemburg
  • Legal clerkship in Celle
  • Since 2020 employed at BÖRGERS
  • 2021 special lawyer course in tenancy and property law
  • 2022 special lawyer course in building and architectural law
  • Married


  • French

Legal fields


  • ARGE Bau- und Immobilienrecht im Deutschen Anwaltverein (DAV)
  • ARGE Miet- und Immobilienrecht im Deutschen Anwaltverein (DAV)


  • Honorare für Planer, in: bauen, Ausgabe 10/11-2021, S. 80–82
  • Emmert/Griebel/Wiek: Handbuch des Mietrechts, Deubner, 8. Auflage 2022, co-author, ISBN 978-3-88606-553-0